This post was originally published 1-22-2019 on my former blog.

One thing you may not know about me is that I’m a planner.  I LOVE ALL THINGS planners. And January is the month of the planner. Because who does not try to plan the rest of their life out in the first month of the year. (Maybe that’s just me?)

At the start of 2018 I found this #designyourdestiny goal setting course over at Sublime Reflection. It’s 6 weeks of reflection and goal setting for a new year, and it was pretty great. I sorta stayed on track – but really once Josh & I met and things progressed, all my “plans” and priorities changed – and that was a REALLY GOOD THING!

I decided to try this out again for 2019. So here goes nothing. I’ve been using my bullet journal to get things started & ready for my goal planning.

In part 1 you’ll review the previous year and the things you did/remember/accomplished.

Part 2 you’ll brainstorm about the upcoming year. This will help you determine the goals you’ll want to set for yourself for 2019. You’ll choose a word for the year.

Make a list of 10 goals you want to accomplish; from those 10 goals, you’ll then pick 3 to focus on for the year. And then you’ll make a plan to accomplish those goals!

My top three goals are the 3 most important things I want to focus on for this year. I feel you’ll hear more about those 3 goals this year on the blog.

I recommend this course. So if you are interested – make sure to click the link below. Set your goals for 2019 and let’s accomplish things together!

Want to join in? Sign up over at Sublime Reflection for free!

If you join in, let me know in the comments below.

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