This post was originally posted on August 2, 2019, on a former blog of mine.

I’m part of several Trucker wife groups on Facebook and I’ve been seeing this concept of “Open When” letters being tossed around. It’s a cool idea, somewhat like the Journal, but a little different.

So the idea is to send your trucker off with some letters to be open up when he feels a certain way or experiences a certain thing. For example… the letter may say “Open when you miss me.” So he would open that letter when he misses you.

I hid a large envelope of 5 letters in Josh’s truck this weekend… So we shall see if he finds them and how this little experiment goes. I tried to hide them in a location I know he goes to every day, but one he wouldn’t go to before I left the truck Sunday night.

So here are some ideas for “open when” letters to try out…

25 Open When Letter Ideas

  1. We fight
  2. You want to hold my hand
  3. You can’t sleep
  4. Wish I were there
  5. You need a kiss
  6. Are happy or sad
  7. Need to laugh
  8. Need a hug
  9. You’re bored
  10. You have doubts
  11. Having a bad day
  12. You miss me (the kids, a pet, etc.)
  13. Coming home
  14. Miss an activity (snowboarding, mountain biking, etc.)
  15. You’re stressed out
  16. You feel like crying
  17. You’re sick
  18. I’m mad at you
  19. You’re mad a me
  20. Feel excited
  21. On a certain holiday (birthday, St. Patrick’s Day, Memorial Day, etc.)
  22. You need encouragement
  23. On a certain weather day (snowy, rainy, sunny, etc.)
  24. Feel upset
  25. Want to reminisce

Do you have other ideas? Add them in the comments below!

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