This post was originally published on 12.5.2018 on a blog I started for those in a relationship with an over-the-road trucker.

If you ask us what the basis of our relationship has been, I’m fairly certain both of us will reply with the word prayer! It has been a HUGE part of our relationship. It’s also a big part of Josh’s life on the road.

When we first toyed around with the idea of sharing our story & our life on this blog, this was the first thing that came to my mind to talk about. So here’s a handy list of prayers for 31 days that you can use to cover your trucker with prayer while he’s on the road.

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31 Days of Prayer For Your Trucker

  1. For physical health while on the road.  That God would keep him free from sickness.
  2. That he would have deep and restful sleep on the road.
  3. For things to carry him through the day.
  4. That he would not give into selfish desires.
  5. For his mind to be clear of job stress.
  6. That he would maintain physical fitness and find the time, strength and energy to workout.
  7. That his time home with family would be restful and relaxing.
  8. For anxiety seeing accidents on the road.  That the Lord would give him peace.
  9. For wisdom in decision making for challenging traffic patterns and curves.
  10. That he would be able find parking for the night.
  11. That his interactions with shippers and receivers would be professional.
  12. For the integrity of the truck.
  13. That his mind would not stray to thinking of possible “freak accidents.”
  14. For wisdom in making the best use of any downtime he may have.
  15. That thoughts of home life would not be distracting to his job.
  16. For safety and an alert mind to stay focused while driving.
  17. That he would have the strength to avoid temptation on the road.
  18. For food discipline.  That foods chosen to eat would help to foster a healthy lifestyle.
  19. For strength to avoid or endure physical fatigue.
  20. That he would spend time reading the Bible.
  21. For guidance and direction when technology fails.
  22. That his time of prayer each day would be a blessing to him and others.
  23. That his mind would be clear of any personal stress.
  24. For safety in areas of high traffic.
  25. For strength to avoid and endure mental fatigue.
  26. That God would provide wisdom, focus, and an alert mind.
  27. That his parking locations would be free of unnecessary distractions that could cause loss of sleep.
  28. For safety during difficult weather.
  29. For strength to avoid and endure through emotional fatigue.
  30. That he would be a witness to his Christian Faith while on the road.
  31. For time to reflect and be thankful for the blessings in life.

Cover your trucker with prayer. Cover your family with prayer. Prayer matters.

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