This post was originally published on 2.22.2019 on a blog I started for those married/dating/with an over-the-road turcker.

Since we’re about to embark on a one month journey of prayer for our truckers, I thought it might be fun to share with you my prayer binder/journal.

I’ve gone back and forth between a prayer binder and a prayer journal. And I’ve ultimately decided to use both. Reason being? I like to have my prayer journal with me at all times, but my prayer binder has gotten far to big to carry along with me and my other daily necessities everywhere I go. So I’ve decided to make my prayer binder more of a resource binder where I can gather things I print off and use at a later basis when I’m working through my prayer Journal.

Since my binder is just a conglomeration of a bunch of things, I’ll just show you my prayer journal.

Inside My Prayer Journal

I have my journal sectioned out into 4 sections on the top following the P.R.A.Y. acronym.

  • P-Praise
  • R-Repent
  • A-Ask
  • Y-Yield.

Each of these sections has a two-page spread of things I have collected—bible verses, prayers, quotes, etc.

My Praise Section:

I’ve listed a passage of scripture from I Chronicles 29, some Psalms of praise, things to praise God for, and a list of names for Him that I’ve started compiling as I read through scripture.

My Repent Section:

This section is still a work in progress – well really all my sections are – but right now I’ve listed some questions to ask myself to see what I need to confess or work on. I’ve also listed some scriptures on repentance.

My Ask Section:

The next section, ask, lists a generic list of people I can pray for during this time. On the next page, I have a list of “urgent” requests that I’ve listed on sticky notes for people.

This section extends to the side tabs I have in my journal. I have sections for Josh, my family, friends, myself, and this blog.

  • Josh: I have several pages of things to pray for Josh.And of course, the 31 days of prayer calendar.
  • Family: I have a sticky note for each member with specific requests for each person (or family unit – like my sister, her husband, and my nieces) underneath.
  • Friends: Much like the family section, each friend has a sticky note with the name and specific requests.
  • Myself:

My Yield Section:

This is the final section in my journal. This part is all about praying that God’s will would be brought out in my life.

Prayer Binder Resources

I cannot take credit for really ANY of the ideas of things I have in my prayer journal. I did a lot (and I mean A LOT) of research to see what I should include. So here is some of the resources that I used to help me create this binder.

  1. Stone Soup for Five – Check out her prayer binder here.
  2. Stone Soup for Five Prayer Binder Challenge.
  3. Pinterest – Prayer Binder Board (Everything in the photos above that was pasted into my journal or written from a resource – has been pinned to this board on Pinterest.)
  4. Prayer Binder by The Reset Girl – video.
  5. Prayer Binder/War Binder by Heather Baxter – video.
  6. 31 Days of Prayer for your Trucker – Calendar
  7. 6 Scriptural Prayers for your Husband – Proverbs31
  8. 5 Powerful Prayers to Pray over your Husband – Bible Study Tools

Do you have a prayer binder or journal? What things have you found to be super helpful in your prayer time? Share with us in the comments below!

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